Top 10 Best Online Dance Courses For Kids

Do your kids start to move and shake their bodies when they hear ring tones or tunes of any music? If yes, then let the dancing begin for your little ones. It’s time to make them discover new dance forms and techniques, with a dose of fun. 

Joining dance classes can be a good source of entertainment, fun and exercise for your kids in a creative outlet. Dancing can make your kids feel physically refreshed and lighten up their mood & can be a beneficial tool to release daily stress, a change of mind and distraction from everyday worries and improving your child's well-being.


What are the top 10 best online dance classes for kids in 2021?

There are a number of online dance classes for kids that they can enroll in. Each dance style comes with its own benefits. Read through this space to explore the best Indian and western dance styles.


1. Online Bollywood Dance Classes for Kids


Indian Bollywood dance style is one of the most in-demand dance styles for kids. Let your kid learn dance moves on popular, fun & cool bollywood songs. These dance classes will help you learn choreography on bollywood songs.


2. Online Contemporary Dance Classes


This dance form best suits beginners. One of the best and popular dance forms in contemporary dance. Your kids would enjoy this dance form and will also help them be more flexible and fit. 

This dance form combines several dance styles that include modern, jazz, lyrical, and classical ballet. The contemporary dance form help students to explore different dance styles in one course and also make students learn different moves and uplift their confidence. This form of dance is rewarding for learners.


3. Online Hip Hop Dance Classes


Learn the latest funk and hip-hop moves with this fun & energetic dance form. Hip-Hop dance can be fun for kids as they get to dance on the beat and move on the music. It is a must-learn dance form for kids. This dance form also comes up with numerous benefits to kids. It builds self-confidence, improves body flexibility, helps children become more physically fit and much more. 

The major styles of hip-hop dancing include:

  1. Breaking
  2. Locking 
  3. Popping


4. Online Jazz Dance Classes


Online Jazz classes are highly preferred for kids and inspire creativity & self-expression in them. This dance style requires high energy & enthusiasm to perform. Jazz dance form is a diverse and creative dance form that includes a lot of isolation movements, requires precision and focus & requires a lot of body awareness to move certain parts of the body.


5. Belly Dance Classes


Let your kids learn belly movements, shimmies, belly rolls and hips movements through this Belly dance form. Belly dance style is apt for all age-group and involves isolations, which improves the torso flexibility too. Enrolling your kids in Belly dance classes, you will not only help them to learn a new dance style, but it will also teach them to live their life in a healthy manner.


6. Bhangra Dance Classes


This dance form is one of the most enjoyable dance forms. Learn the heartwarming and energetic moves and get yourself to move on beats of dhol and drum through Bhangra classes. This dance form is equally fun with western music.


7. Bharatanatyam Dance Classes


An impressive classical dance form that needs a lot of practice on the wrist movements, facial expressions, and footwork. Through this dance form, you can build a mind-body connection. Bring out the best poses, expressions, and postures through Bharatnatyam dance classes.


8. Kathak Dance Classes


This dance form is all about stories reflecting in the dance with perfect hand movements and magnificent footwork and facial expressions. In this dance form, you'll learn how to use poses, expressions, grace, hand, eye, and body movements, and footwork. Also, students will learn the gestures of arms, upper body movement, facial expressions, neck movements and much more.


9. Kuchi Pudi Dance Classes


This classical dance style comes from Andhra Pradesh. Unlike any other classical dance form, Kuchipudi has more rounded poses. It centers on the expressive part of the performance (Nritya), where rhythmic hand gestures help to convey the story.


10. Zumba Dance Classes

Let your kid learn Zumba as it comes with many benefits. This dance style helps in improving coordination, reducing stress, and makes kids feel happy. Zumba is a new emerging dance trend among kids.

These classes intend to make children enjoy music beats and make them physically strong. It helps in improving overall children’s physical health. The Zumba classes include 4 core rhythms that lead to an effective dance workout – Merengue, Salas, Cumbia & Reggaeton.


How much do online dance classes cost?

Online dance classes cost varies for different dance styles. These classes are conducted as 1-1 sessions or in groups. The fee for 1-1 and group classes varies. Generally, the cost for 1-1 sessions is on the higher side as compared to group sessions. For group sessions, in India, the cost varies from Rs. 500 to Rs. 2000 per month for different various dance form types. For 1-1 sessions, it varies from Rs. 100 to Rs. 1000 per session.


Dance competitions for kids

Who doesn’t want to showcase their talent to the world? The world of dance also has competitions for kids. There are many online as well as offline dance competitions that are conducted at school, state, national & International levels where students can participate. DID L’il Masters is one of the most popular national-level dance competitions in India.  

There are many organizations also that conducts dance contests in various dance styles that students can participate in. Few are listed below:

  • Sportena Academy SOLO Online Dance Competition
  • Virtual Bharatnatyam Competition by SIMRAN Academy
  • Online SOLO Dance Contest by Art Dream Express Studio

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